Printed Wallpaper

Printed Wallpaper is a simple yet highly effective way to bring an entire section of a room to life.

Whether it’s professional designs to add that cutting-edge look to your retail space, or personal photos to add a heartfelt touch at home, our personalised wallpaper offers a unique twist on standard design plans.

When paired with canvas prints or posters, wallpaper really does bring a room to life.

Print and Cut branded wallpaper in a roomset

Easy and Flexible

Our team can take your image of choice and print it directly onto the wallpaper, which is super-easy to install and comes along with a straightforward how-to guide.

Any designs can be completely customised to fit whatever size you’re looking for – and take into account those pesky features like light switches and radiators.

Incredible quality

After settling on your image, customers can choose from a wide variety of finishes, making your wallpaper unrivalled in terms of quality and truly one-of-a-kind.

In a hurry? Our experienced team works tirelessly to deliver your project on time and to the highest standard, so you don’t need to worry.

Ready to print your wallpaper?

Just give us a call on 0161 222 6012, or fill out the enquiry form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible!

If you have any further questions see our FAQs section below…

Printed Wallpaper FAQs?

Our Wallpaper options are super easy to install and much like normal wallpaper.  Some papers require paste the wall paste, others are a more traditional way on the back of the paper. 

Wallpapers have moved on over the years from traditional panels and can now be ordered as single pieces (with specialist installation).  Speak to one of our team for any help with this.

Wallpaper is nothing without a high resolution, top quality image.  Our experts on image quality can help you on 0161 222 6012.

For a guide on file formats, check out this article from adobe.

Send us a message

By submitting an enquiry via the Print & Cut website you acknowledge that any personal data you include in such enquiry will be used in accordance with the terms of our privacy policy. By clicking ‘Send’ today, you confirm that you are happy to proceed on this basis.